Also to be honest, I stayed active over the weekend so that I could splurge a little when it came to the food. For lunch on Saturday, I had a sonic cheeseburger and substituted mustard for my usual mayo to cut a little of the fat and didn't get a soft drink (I stuck with water). Then I hit the treadmill that night and the next night at the house to make sure I didn't just shoot myself in the foot. I also took a walk with my daughter and pushed her on the swings at the park. Good exercise and great Daddy-Daughter time.
I went back to the bicycle today because my ankle was a little sore from all the walking. I also created a spreadsheet with a graph to track my progress and shared it with my teammates in case they wanted to use it to track their own progress. I'm not self conscious about sharing my weight because it won't be there for much longer! Here's what my graph looks like so far:
I am ecstatic that the blue line (current weight) is below the red line (my goal - 2 pounds a week). It's the little things that make me happy. Here's to another great week of sweat and good choices. I meet with the nutritionist on Wednesday and Paula is going out of town but she is leaving me a workout schedule. She explained that if I can do 15 reps of any particular exercise with weights without fatigue, then that weight is too light for me.
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