- Weight - 213.3
- BP - 138/82
- Chest 41.5 inches
- Waist 41 inches
- Abs 43 inches
- Hips 43 inches
- Right Bicep 13.25 inches
- Right Thigh 22 inches
- Percentage Body Fat 28.4
- BMI 32.4
I started working out at the gym by the house this morning. I've been doing a lot of walking on the treadmill lately for that extra boost of cardio in the last few days before the final weigh in. Both trainers said that walking without holding on (even just a little for balance) is a much better workout. They said that I should concentrate on trying to walk at a 3.0 with no incline and strive for comfort walking with swinging arms. That speed is uncomfortable for me, and it is starting to cause pain on the top of my right ankle which causes me to walk funny and lose balance. This morning I had to drop the speed to 2.5 because of it, but I did the whole time without holding on. I am going to ask someone about stretches or therapy to push through this. The top of my ankle was pretty inflamed yesterday and hurt all afternoon.