Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Boot Camp 2.0

     Yesterday Paula scheduled another boot camp for us.  This one was more one on one since only two people showed up.  Joyce and I got a great workout and a stretching session at the end.  There was one exercise that really got me.  We used these slider/glider disks with our hands on the floor in a modified pushup stance (knees on a yoga mat) and slid our hands out wide and then back together.  I had just done a chest/back weight workout the day before, so this was killer.  Then as if that wasn't enough, we did a modification where one hand stayed stationary while the other slid diagonal up in front of your head and then alternate with the other hand.  Of course we also did pushups and situps.  Needless to say, I won't be doing any more chest exercises until next week.
     This pattern of doing something different on Tuesdays is interesting to me.  (Jazzercise last week, boot camp this week).  I may see if I can get my team to go over to Franklin Street Yoga next Tuesday - if they have anything going on that day.  I have been doing Chest/Back on Mondays, Something different on Tuesdays, Legs on Wednesdays, Arms/Shoulders on Thursdays and then extended Cardio on Fridays.  (Cardio every day along with stretching).
     Speaking of stretching, there is an alternate method of loosening up your muscle that I hadn't heard of before this program - rolling.  You can use a foam roller (Walmart, Target, Dick's, etc).  A tennis ball (to get oddly shaped areas) or my favorite, a kitchen rolling pin.  I use it to do my calf muscles, my quads and my hamstrings.  It is great because you can do it while watching television and you can apply as much pressure as you can stand.  I don't really understand all the science behind it yet, but I guess it works by relaxing the facia ?? Maybe someone with more technical knowledge can comment on this.  All I know is that yesterday my legs felt like they were filled with lead and then I rolled them and I felt great!

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